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- /*
- Sandstorm.c
- Copyright © 1989-1993 Denis Pelli
- This program shows a noise movie, a dynamic random checkerboard, at 66.7 Hz!
- The key routine, which shows each frame, is the VideoToolbox routine CopyBitsQuickly().
- To get a true impression of white noise you need to compute lots of noise
- frames, so give it as much memory as you can, e.g. 3 MB. (Use the Finder Get
- Info command.) Sandstorm fills all the memory you give it with pre-computed
- noise, which does take some time. Each displayed frame is taken from a random
- offset within that noise.
- Note: the amount of data that has to be transfered by CopyBitsQuickly() in each
- frame is proportional to window area and the bits/pixel of the display, as set by
- Control Panel Monitors. At 8 bits/pixel the maximum window that can be updated
- at 66 Hz is about 192x192. At 1 bit/pixel we can do at least 480x640.
- Sandstorm--not CopyBitsQuickly--calls WaitNextEvent() before each
- frame, in order to be responsive to the mouse, and this results in occasional
- pauses as the Mac takes time out to do various chores.
- 11/23/88 dgp derived from truenoiseDemo2.c
- 4/7/89 dgp I removed nearly all the hardware dependencies. The only remaining one
- is the call to NewFieldTFB(). I don't know how to get rid of that, short of
- writing a VBL task.
- 9/29/89 dgp I've nearly updated this to THINK C 4.0, but the call to TickCount,
- refers to the old profiler, and I don't have time to figure this out now.
- 10/28/89 dgp I replaced the call to NewFieldTFB() by a call to GDSetEntries() which
- is a device-independent way to wait for the end of frame.
- 7/19/90 dgp Unfortunately the built-in video on the Mac IIci is buggy and doesn't
- support the setEntries call.
- 10/17/90 dgp Yay. Finally removed last bugs! Replaced SlotToScreenDevice() by
- AddressToScreenDevice() in order to make it compatible with built-in video
- on Mac IIci, IIsi, and LC. Removed the setEntries call for compatibility
- with Mac IIci built-in video.(Apple has acknowledged bug, but bug is
- still present in System 6.07.) Fixed bug whereby resizing window on other
- than the main screen left window blank until it was dragged again.
- Removed unused variables. Added zoom box.
- 10/18/90 dgp Tidied up. Now zooms onto screen with largest intersection, and zooms back
- to original size. Uses as much memory as user allocates to program.
- Window now always confines itself to a single screen, but can be dragged
- anywhere.
- 10/20/90 dgp Copied code from VideoTest to close window and quit on Command-W or
- Command-. Prevented window title bar from being hidden behind the menu
- bar.
- 7/22/91 dgp Made compatible with MPW C. This required changing INT_MAX to SHRT_MAX.
- However, performance is slow, since CopyBitsQuickly.c doesn't generate
- hand-tuned assembly code when using MPW C.
- 8/6/91 dgp Replaced randU() by RandFill(), which runs twice as fast.
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 7/20/92 dgp tidied up the comments slightly. Confirmed compatibility with 32-bit
- addressing.
- 8/27/92 dgp replace SysEnvirons() by Gestalt()
- 1/13/93 dgp changed defaults to maximize speed.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #if THINK_C
- #include <LoMem.h> // MBarHeight
- #else
- short MBarHeight : 0xBAA;
- #endif
- void main(void);
- Boolean ZoomedOut(WindowPtr w);
- #define RAISE_PRIORITY 1 /* Optional. Contrary to Apple's rules, */
- /* but speeds up the display. */
- #define SCROLL_BAR 15 /* Standard width of scroll bar */
- #define WAIT_NEXT_EVENT 0
- EventRecord theEvent; /* global */
- void Sandstorm(void);
- void main(void)
- {
- Require(gestalt8BitQD);
- Sandstorm();
- }
- void Sandstorm()
- {
- register size_t ui;
- register short *bufferPtr;
- int i;
- static char string[40];
- static PixMap sand;
- Rect r,unzoomedRect,gdRect;
- GDHandle device;
- WindowPtr window,aWindow,oldPort;
- PixMap **myPixMapHandle;
- static BitMap buffer;
- long bufferBytes;
- size_t sandBytes;
- Boolean done=0,update;
- long reSize;
- int windowEvent=inDesk;
- int error;
- Boolean zoomedOut;
- WStateData *wStateData;
- RgnHandle ignoreRgn;
- int pixelSize;
- long value;
- /* INITIALIZE QuickDraw */
- MaxApplZone(); /* Expand heap to the limit. */
- InitGraf(&qd.thePort);
- InitFonts();
- InitWindows();
- InitCursor();
- GetPort(&oldPort);
- device=GetMainDevice();
- /* open a window on the device */
- ignoreRgn=NewRgn();
- SetRect(&r,0,0,192+SCROLL_BAR,192+SCROLL_BAR);
- CenterRectInRect(&r,&(*device)->gdRect);
- window=NewCWindow(NULL
- ,&r,CtoPstr("Now computing noise ..."),TRUE,zoomDocProc,(WindowPtr) -1L,TRUE,0L);
- myPixMapHandle = ((CGrafPtr)window)->portPixMap;
- MoveHHi((Handle) myPixMapHandle);
- HLock((Handle) myPixMapHandle);
- /* Compute noise */
- /* allocate buffer BitMap */
- buffer.rowBytes=1024;
- MaxApplZone();
- bufferBytes = FreeMem();
- bufferBytes-=100000L; /* Grab most of available space. */
- bufferBytes -= bufferBytes%buffer.rowBytes;
- buffer.baseAddr=NULL;
- for(;bufferBytes>0;bufferBytes -= buffer.rowBytes){
- buffer.baseAddr = NewPtr(bufferBytes);
- if (buffer.baseAddr!=NULL)break;
- }
- if(buffer.baseAddr==NULL)PrintfExit("\007Sorry, not enough memory for buffers.\n");
- SetRect(&buffer.bounds,0,0,buffer.rowBytes*8L,bufferBytes/buffer.rowBytes);
- /* Fill buffer with noise. */
- bufferPtr = (short *) buffer.baseAddr;
- RandFill(buffer.baseAddr,bufferBytes);
- /* Show noise */
- SetPort(window);
- reSize=0;
- while (1) {
- wStateData=(*((WStateData **)((WindowPeek)window)->dataHandle));
- unzoomedRect=wStateData->userState;
- zoomedOut=ZoomedOut(window);
- if(reSize){
- SizeWindow(window,LoWord(reSize),HiWord(reSize),TRUE);
- reSize=0L;
- }
- device=GetWindowDevice(window);
- if(device==NULL){
- done=1;
- break;
- }
- r=window->portRect;
- LocalToGlobalRect(&r);
- gdRect=(*device)->gdRect;
- /* leave room for window's title bar */
- gdRect.top+=r.top-1-(*((WindowPeek)window)->strucRgn)->rgnBBox.top;
- /* leave room for menu bar */
- if(device==GetMainDevice())gdRect.top+=MBarHeight;
- SectRect(&gdRect,&r,&r);
- pixelSize=(**(**device).gdPMap).pixelSize;
- i=r.left-(*device)->gdRect.left;
- i=(i*pixelSize+16 & ~31)/pixelSize-i; /* move to nearest 32-bit boundary */
- OffsetRect(&r,i,0); /* Assumes window is >16 bits wide */
- SectRect(&gdRect,&r,&r);
- MoveWindow(window,r.left,r.top,TRUE);
- OffsetRect(&r,-r.left,-r.top);
- sand = **(*device)->gdPMap; /* Initialize PixMap fields from screen */
- sand.bounds=r;
- sand.bounds.right -=SCROLL_BAR; /* Leave room for the scroll bars */
- sand.bounds.bottom -=SCROLL_BAR;
- sand.bounds.right=(sand.bounds.right*sand.pixelSize+14 & ~31)/sand.pixelSize;
- /* round to multiple of 32 bits */
- if(sand.bounds.right<32)sand.bounds.right=32;
- sand.rowBytes = (sand.bounds.right*sand.pixelSize + 31 & ~31)/8;
- /* round up to multiple of 32 bits (redundant) */
- sandBytes = (size_t) sand.rowBytes * (size_t) sand.bounds.bottom;
- if(bufferBytes/2 < sandBytes)
- {
- /* restrict height by amount of noise available */
- sand.bounds.bottom=bufferBytes/sand.rowBytes/2;
- sandBytes = (size_t) sand.rowBytes * (size_t) sand.bounds.bottom;
- }
- sand.rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* Mark it as a PixMap */
- sand.pmVersion=0;
- sand.packType=0;
- sand.packSize=0;
- sand.planeBytes=0;
- sand.pmReserved=0;
- SizeWindow(window
- ,sand.bounds.right+SCROLL_BAR,sand.bounds.bottom+SCROLL_BAR,TRUE);
- EraseRect(&window->portRect);
- DrawGrowIcon(window);
- if(zoomedOut && windowEvent!=inGrow && windowEvent!=inDrag){
- wStateData=(*((WStateData **)((WindowPeek)window)->dataHandle));
- r=window->portRect;
- LocalToGlobalRect(&r);
- r.left-=1;
- r.right-=2;
- wStateData->stdState=r;
- wStateData->userState=unzoomedRect;
- }
- sprintf(string,"%dx%dx%d bits"
- ,sand.bounds.right,sand.bounds.bottom,sand.pixelSize);
- SetWTitle(window,CtoPstr(string));
- FlushEvents(everyEvent,0);
- DiffRgn(GetGrayRgn(),((WindowPeek)window)->strucRgn,ignoreRgn);
- while (1) {
- update=0; /* don't update window frame unless necessary */
- SetPriority(2); /* Get more speed by suppressing keyboard, mouse, and ticks. */
- #endif
- sand.baseAddr = buffer.baseAddr;
- /* choose grain that won't overflow short argument to nrand() */
- i=(bufferBytes/SHRT_MAX+3)&~3; /* round up to multiple of 4 */
- sand.baseAddr += nrand((bufferBytes-sandBytes)/i)*(long)i;
- if(((WindowPeek)window)->hilited){
- CopyBitsQuickly((BitMap *)&sand,(BitMap *)*myPixMapHandle
- ,&sand.bounds,&sand.bounds,srcCopy,NULL);
- }
- SetPriority(0); /* Revive keyboard and mouse. */
- #endif
- if(WaitNextEvent(mDownMask+keyDownMask,&theEvent,0,ignoreRgn)){
- #else
- if(GetNextEvent(mDownMask+keyDownMask,&theEvent)){
- #endif
- switch(theEvent.what){
- case keyDown:
- if(theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) switch(theEvent.message & charCodeMask) {
- case '.':
- case 'w':
- done=1;
- }
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- update=1;
- windowEvent=FindWindow(theEvent.where,&aWindow);
- if(aWindow==window){
- switch(windowEvent){
- case inDrag:
- DragWindow(window,theEvent.where,&qd.screenBits.bounds);
- break;
- case inGoAway:
- done=TrackGoAway(window,theEvent.where);
- break;
- case inGrow:
- r.top=r.left=32+SCROLL_BAR; /* minimum size */
- r.bottom=r.right=1024+SCROLL_BAR; /* max size */
- reSize = GrowWindow(window,theEvent.where,&r);
- break;
- case inZoomIn:
- case inZoomOut:
- Zoom(window,windowEvent);
- break;
- case inContent:
- break;
- default:
- update=0;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(update || done)break;
- }
- if(done)break;
- }
- SetPort(oldPort);
- DisposeRgn(ignoreRgn);
- DisposPtr(buffer.baseAddr);
- DisposeWindow(window);
- }
- Boolean ZoomedOut(WindowPtr w)
- /* Determine whether window is "standard" size, i.e. zoomed out. */
- {
- Point pt;
- Rect r,myRect;
- Boolean zoomedOut;
- myRect=(*((WStateData **)((WindowPeek)w)->dataHandle))->stdState;
- pt.h=0;
- pt.v=0;
- LocalToGlobal(&pt);
- r = w->portRect;
- OffsetRect(&r,pt.h,pt.v);
- zoomedOut=r.top==myRect.top
- && r.left==myRect.left
- && r.bottom==myRect.bottom
- && r.right==myRect.right;
- return zoomedOut;
- }